My aunt was sweet enough to give us a newborn photo shoot with Alisha Hammond.His pictures turned out amazing. It helps when you have such a cute baby ;)
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Newborn Pictures
My aunt was sweet enough to give us a newborn photo shoot with Alisha Hammond.His pictures turned out amazing. It helps when you have such a cute baby ;)
Jack's Birth Story
I had been on bed rest for a few weeks prior to Jack's birth. I was having some blood pressure issues so I was induced at 37 weeks 2 days. Justin and I got to the hospital on Tuesday, July 24th at 7:30pm. I got checked in and was taken up to my room. After three different people tried to place my IV they had success. Lets just say it didn't feel too great and left some nasty bruises for days afterwards. They put the cervidil in around 9:30 pm. It has to stay in for 12 hours. I didn't really sleep well that night because every time I would try to move to get comfortable Jack's heart rate monitor would move so the nurse would have to come back in to fix it. My mom came in the morning and they removed the cervidil at 9:30 am. I was 1/2 a centimeter dilated. They started me on pitocin. At 4:30pm my wonderful doctor, Dr. Daneshmand, came in and checked me-still 1/2 centimeter :( That was the first time my entire pregnancy he had every checked me and he informed me that I had a very small pelvis opening and even though we would try to push most likely we would have to do a c-section!I was so bummed out and a tad bit nervous. At about 5:00pm my contractions really started to pick up and I asked for an epidural. It was way less painful to get the epidural that it was to try to get the IV in. I felt awesome and was able to relax enough to get about an hour of sleep. The next time they checked me I was dilated to a 4. About an hour later I was at a 7 and then about 45 minutes after that I was dilated to a 10 and felt the urge to push. I started pushing at 10:30pm. I asked for some more epidural medication because it felt like it was wearing off but they told me they couldn't give me anymore because I needed to feel to push. Well believe me I was feeling a lot more than just the urge to push!!! After two hours of pushing Jack was born at 12:26am. Justin said that once his head came out they were having a hard time getting his body out so one nurse came and jumped on my stomach and two other nurses were down below ripping me open :/ At least I didn't have to have a c-section but I ended up with quiet a few stitches. I felt them put in every single one. I have no idea why women choose to birth babies naturally. I didn't want to but it kind of ended up that way. That was the first time I have ever seen Justin cry. He said it wasn't so much seeing our son being born but more seeing me in pain and seeing what I had to go through to get him here.Jack weighed 7 lbs 2 1/2 oz and was 20 inches long (remember he was almost 3 weeks early-probably would have been gigantic if I had gone full term :/) The poor thing was all blue from getting bruised on his way out. He didn't cry at all. They tried flicking him-nothing. He had a shot-nothing. He has been our calm, mellow baby from the get go :) We are so in love with him and can't remember what life was like without him.
37 weeks 2 days right before we left for the hospital
Just after we got to the room
Justin helping me to the bathroom
Contractions starting to pick up
First family photo
Our awesome doctor! They don't come any better than Dr. Daneshmand :)
Just staring at my beautiful baby boy
Proud Daddy
Getting checked out
Jack Robert Golledge
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