Saturday, March 6, 2010


I am very discouraged and frustrated with my weight loss! I am confused as to why I am not dropping weight faster. I work out like a crazy person. I eat the right amount of calories. I eat the right kind of food. And I drink all my water. This morning when I weighed in I lost 0.4 pounds! Talk about heartbreaking. I've talked to my trainer and he is just as confused as I am. He told me that I need to go have blood work done this week to see whats going on with my body! I will not give up! This will not defeat me but I may be a little discouraged along the way! I am down a total of 9 pounds and 9 1/2 inches in 5 weeks but honestly if you knew how much time and effort was spent on this you would understand why I feel the way I do. Hopefully I can figure this great mystery out and FAST!!!


  1. Go with me here. . . you may have an allergy. I KNOW, I know. . I am just saying that because Clark has allergies. But, so do I! But, it doesn't manifest itself by hives. . .it manifests itself by weight gain and autoimmunity. When I read Ultra Metabolism (written by a doctor who does this with patients who have great habits, but can't lose weight) it taught me a lot. Here's a trick. Start by taking ONE food group out of your diet and see if it works. For example, some people are allergic to wheat, some milk, some eggs, etc. Wheat and milk are the two biggest culprits. It sounds so stupid but when I take milk out of my diet (that even includes fantastic milk products that are part of diets) I drop the weight fast! So, if you are up for ANOTHER challenge (and, girl if you are, you amaze me!) then try to take out milk for two weeks. See how that goes. Then, try wheat. See how that goes. Or, just read Ultra Metabolism and weigh it for yourself. I am so thankful I received it as a gift and really learned a lot!
    And, for the record, I think you're doing great! If nothing else, you are developing fantastic habits that will bless you the rest of your life! YOU GO GIRL!!!

  2. Keep on keeping on. You are doing really great. It is hard work and definitely harder to take off. Don't give up. It will be so worth it in the end.
