Sunday, March 4, 2012

It's a BOY

We found out yesterday that we are having a boy and we could not be more thrilled!
Jack Robert Golledge will be joining us August 12th and he will definitely be one loved little boy!
My mom had gone to Disneyland and got two hats-a pink one and a blue one...
After the ultrasound she brought us the blue package and this was inside. 
So cute!


  1. Congrats! I'm so happy for you guys! And yes, this will for sure be one LOVED baby boy. Your mom is awesome!

  2. how exciting!! congrats! we're so excited for you guys! justin better prepare himself because once little jack comes along, your heart is going to be stolen by him! :)
    i cant wait to meet the little guy!

  3. oh, and if you havent seen this already, check it out! i know you'll love it! :)

  4. Congrats guys!! You will LOVE having a little boy, they are soooooo much fun!! Be ready for lots of amazing adventures :):)

  5. Yay!! So fun. Cant wait to meet him.
