Sunday, February 7, 2010

2010 Healthy Life Pledge

2010 Healthy Life Pledge
I pledge to live the healthiest life I can.
To practice what I preach.
To be health conscious and fitness oriented.
To stop sabotaging my goals.
To stop procrastinating.
To take myself seriously and be proud of myself.
To work hard and get in the best shape of my life.
I am taking this pledge because it is important to me.
I promise to eat right, exercise often, and be my own role model.
I promise to help and inspire others to lead healthy lives.
I promise to take the Healthy Life Pledge seriously.
I promise never to give up or give in.
I am strong.
I am healthy.
I am fit.
I am in control.
There are no more “Mondays”.
Today is the day I begin on my quest for a fit and healthy me!
I took this pledge and I encourage you all to do the same!!

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