Friday, August 20, 2010

A couple days late...

But this cute boy turned 24 on Wednesday!!!24 reasons why I love him...
1. He is so handsome
2. He is so sweet to me
3. He deals with my craziness
4. He lets me steal all of the covers
5. He wears whatever I tell him to without any struggle ;)
6. We both like to fall asleep with the TV on
7. He works hard
8. He is a worthy priesthood holder always willing to give me a blessing if I need one
9. He loves his family
10. He loves my family
11. He is sooo good with kids and I know he'll be a great dad
12. He has so much faith
13. He is handy
14. He surprises me by cleaning my car, our apartment, etc.
15. He buys my flowers for no reason
16. He is a good example
17. He always looks for the good in people
18. He is adventurous
19. He always tells me I'm what girl doesn't want to hear that :)
20. He will go to Disneyland with me even though he doesn't like it that much
21. He drives on long road trips
22. He has the best smile
23. He is a big goofball and always makes me laugh
24. He loves me unconditionally
The list could go on and on...I love you babe! Happy Birthday!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Justin! We are sure going to miss you guys.
